Batting cages are a very fun and very important part of the growth and maturity of a hitter. Being a successful hitter at any level is something that requires a lot of practice and dedication. Because of the amount of practice that is needed, live pitching is not always available which means hitters have to find other ways of getting in their cuts. Luckily, pitching machines are advanced enough to where they can deliver all the pitches that a live pitcher can, which offers the best and most consistent practice option. But before anyone enters the cage, there are a few rules they should be aware of so that nobody gets hurt. Read more to learn about batting cage and pitching machines rules.The first thing to know about pitching machines is that although they are much more reliable and accurate than living pitching will ever be, they do sometimes throw a stray ball. The reason for this warning is because every person who enters the batting cages should have a healthy respect for the inherent danger. The ball is still travelling very fast and can do just as much damage to a batter as with live pitching. With that said, any batter who enters the cage should wear a proper batting helmet. Foul balls, ricochets off the net, and stray pitches, while unlikely and very rare, can happen which is why every batter should be prepared for the worst.
If you are using an automatic pitching machine, a light usually comes on when the machine is live and will start delivering pitches. Once the light comes on, a batter should never cross to the other side of the plate. Wait until the light turns off to switch to the other side. If someone is going to be manually feeding the pitching machine, make sure they are behind and L screen.
Another important rule is to never operate the pitching machines when raining or when excessively windy. A wet ball can cause the pitches to stray off course, making it unsafe for the batter. High winds can also blow the ball off course, making it quite dangerous for the hitter.
In all cases, one must use their best judgment. Knowing and respecting the inherent dangers of hitting high speed pitches will keep batters safe and prevent any accidents from occurring to either the batter or the pitching machines. Get to practicing now and stay safe!
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Through unmatched customer services and design, Master Pitching Machine has earned the distinction as the world leader in the design and production of pitching machines and batting cage equipment. Their hard work and unfaltering dedication to quality continues to help them grow and to continue to lead the way in all things pitching machine.